
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Syncly - Simply Backup Android Photos

Syncly was released on the Android market and is a simple way to backup your photos to the cloud. Just install the app, set up and account, then link to Dropbox. (Update: HiDrive support was added on February 21, 2012.) You can designate to have it automatically upload over Wifi & 3G, just Wifi, or only when indicated. After that, any time you take a picture it is automatically saved to your Dropbox account in a "Syncly" folder.

This is a great tool to have setup! Google+'s Android application has this functionality built in to automatically send the pictures to Picasa, and it has come in very handy. This dedicated simple app is a great solution for many with its smaller size (1.1 MB installed) and Dropbox integration. If you have Dropbox's desktop program installed your pictures will even be automatically loaded on your computer after you take them.

The Syncly team says it will support other services in the near future to upload to as well as syncing other types of data. The app is brought to you by the Products & Innovation department at Deutsche Telekom AG (T-Mobile) in Berlin. Their unit can create, launch, and try new out products quickly like a startup.

Give it a try and let everyone know what you think in the comments below. I really like it and am looking forward to future updates. I am having an issue with my device where the file name extension (.jpg) is dropping off during upload that they are looking at. Others have not had this issue.

Update: Syncly is no longer available.


  1. Hallo,

    übrigens könnt Ihr Euch mit Syncly Release 1.2.0 nicht nur gegen Dropbox sondern auch gegen HiDrive verbinden. Mehr Infos findet Ihr auf dem Syncly Blog.

    Happy syncing!

    Euer Syncly Team

    1. Thank you for the update! Support for HiDrive is excellent.
