
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Four New Chrome Extensions - Picozu, Page Snooze, MondoWindow, and Wajam

Are you looking for some new applications to use on your Chrome browser or Chromebook? Below you will find four new Google Chrome applications to try. Each application or extension was installed and tested to be able to give you real life comments. Share with everyone in the comments if you try one of these out and what you thought. What other new applications or extensions have you seen?

Picozu (website) - This is a robust photo editing, drawing, and sharing application. It was smooth to use and is loaded with features like brushes, filters, layers, history, batch processing, curves, cropping, and many more advanced tools. You can get photos to edit from your computer, Picasa, DeviantArt, SmugMug, Photobucket, Flickr, Facebook, Instagram, or Fotolog. Then you are able to save the modified image, or a new drawing, to your Picozu cloud account, Dropbox, Facebook, or your computer. It it built with Javascript, HTML 5 and CSS3 (no Flash).

Page Snooze - A great idea! With this extension you can "snooze" a page. Snoozing a page closes it and sets it to be automatically reopened later at the time you selected. When you are on an open tab you can click on the extension button in the toolbar to snooze it for a week, or right click on the page (not a photo or anything) to snooze it for 5 seconds, 1 to 7 days, or two weeks. Within the options all the snoozed pages are listed for immediate access, and each individual item can be deleted if you wanted. I tested the 5 second snooze and it worked perfectly. Snoozed pages are by specific machine and are not synced.

MondoWindow (website) - You are provided your real time location and shown on an interactive map of what is below through Wikipedia, Flickr, and their own data. Next time you are on a flight this will be a great way to pass the time; just connect to the flight's WiFi. You location is not actually acquired through your device; it obtains the location from other data sources. Because of this you can try the app on their website even if you are not in flight. Flight information (speed, altitude, etc.) is given, along with the ability to see your Facebook friends' location.

Wajam (website) - Search, shopping, and travel planning are all modified with your friends' social shares and comments. This is the type of extension you will either love or hate. It will modify sites to include your social data from Google+, Facebook, and Twitter to show you what your friends thought or recommended. Sites influenced are Google, Bing, Best Buy, IMDb, Yelp, Blekko, TripAdvisor, and many more. For the record, I am not a fan of services like these, but Wajam had an easy setup and did not do anything annoying like Tweeting without permission or updating my Facebook stream. It is worth a look!


  1. Thanks for mentioning us, Dain! Our mission is to give people access to the knowledge of their friends whenever they need it, starting with a browser extension. We're also planning on releasing an app in the future so if you don't use the extension, you can still access our social search engine and effortlessly get recommendations from your friends.

    We've got exciting new stuff coming out shortly, so keep posted!

    Regards from Montreal, Canada,

    Alain Wong
    Community manager at Wajam

  2. I'm going to assume these are all as spammy as wajam and stick them on the "crap to avoid at all costs" list.

    Thanks for the PSA.

    1. Mark, what is happening with Wajam? If there is an issue I certainly want to ensure people know before trying it.

      These are all separate developers and should not be grouped together; having a problem with one does not mean the other extensions are bad. As stated in the first paragraph I tested all four and had no issues at the time of posting these.
