
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Mesmira - An Interest Conversation Network

Mesmira could possibly have the solution to my biggest gripe with any social network. Today on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter a person is followed without regard to the topics they are posting about. There are certain people you follow that you want to see everything from. But, then their are others that you only want to see certain topics from. Take me for example, wouldn't it be nice for my family to have the ability to not see my technology posts if they didn't want to?

Aditya Ramachandran started Mesmira "to help you connect with people on shared interests without being overwhelmed". This is done by filtering out any topic that you have not previously stated was an interest of yours. Now when I follow that person that loves the outdoors, as I do, it should filter out their posts about crafts.

This concept is great and I hope they continue towards the intended goal. But, a this time the service is not there. Keep in mind it is in early private beta testing, but I had hoped for more. Basically you are able to follow topics and there are networks built around those topics. From inside these topic networks you post publicly (no privacy settings) using text, links, videos, etc. You can then follow a person from inside that topic; you would need to follow that person again and again for each topic network of interest. This structure is a bit cumbersome and confusing to me. I would rather be able to follow my friend once and then if any of our topics/interests are found to be mutual a link is formed in some fashion.

The vision is a good one and I will certainly watch as progress is made; the most influential section is nice. If you would like an invite to try it out please email me at

Follow Mesmira on Google+, Facebook, Twitter, and Posterous; and the founder

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