
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Gift Ideas For The Techie In Your Family

Unsure what to buy that techie in your family this year? Any one of the below gifts is sure to please. Pick one out for your spouse, friend, or for work's Secret Santa.

GE 98974 VoIP Universal All-in-One Stereo Headset - $20 - Excellent and inexpensive headset that is great for many uses; I actually own them. You can use these for VOIP calls (Google Voice, Skype, etc.), your cell phone, internet chat, gaming, and so much more. The three separate connections (3.5mm, 2.5mm, two-3.5mm) allow you to connect to anything. Available in Target stores, and online at Amazon and Staples.

Hanayama Quartet a Level 6 Cast Puzzle - $12.00 - A metal brainteaser puzzle available online at Toys "R" Us and Amazon. See if you can put it together, then take it apart.

SmartShopper SS-301 Grocery List Organizer with Voice Recognition - $150.00 - Get your grocery shipping organized with this high-tech shopping list creator. You can find it on Amazon or at Bed Bath & Beyond.

Nest - $249.00 - A learning thermostat made using the same groundbreaking thinking that revolutionized the cellphone industry. Good looks, functional, and controllable when away from the home. Purchase directly from Nest. This will certainly save some money this winter with the automatic energy saving settings.

Secure Sleeve - $5.00 - Block RFID singles to protect your credit cards and IDs against theft. Available from Identity Stronghold.

ekobrew Cup - $14.00 - A refillable K-Cup for your Keurig brewer. You can buy it directly from ekobrew or from Amazon.

Clicker - Bottle Opener and Universal Remote Control - $25.00 - Open your beer while never getting up with this remote. Order from Brookstone through Amazon.

Tobbles Stacking Toy - $25.00 - For every geek's kid! Your child can test the limits of natural world; from ThinkGeek.

Play Visions Eco-Light Solar Keychain Light - $6.00 - Solar cells charge up this flashlight from REI. Great to put on the outside of your backpack to charge while hiking!

Helizone Combat Fighter 3 Channel Gyro Missile Shooting RC Helicopter - $50.00 - The title says it all; what more do you need to know? Buy it today from Amazon. Maybe get these too!

What cool gadget or toy do you want this year?


  1. Thanks for the idea for the headset. I am always looking for something for Jess :)

  2. about number one--the headphones. get a headset/microphone with a usb connection so you can leave your computer speakers plugged in. i paid $35 for a logitech set and i am not doing a testimonial for them even though they work great.

  3. My old lady can do the shopping, I do not own a gay cup coffee maker, I don't like any one playing with the thermostat, I dint drink beer, or by any craps get builds.
