
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What Did You Do Last Year?

Do you wonder what you did on this day last year? Sometimes I do; if not just for the fun factor. If you consider Facebook your life's diary there is a good chance the information is there. Until now you had to click "Older Posts" over and over and over on your Wall to finally get to last year. PastPosts changes all that.

Released a couple months ago PastPosts is a simple Facebook app that taps in to your posts to see what you were up to last year. Every morning it sends you an email letting you know what you were up to at this time last year. The team (bdotdub, jwegener, and mattraoul) that created this previously put together 4sq&7yearsago to do the same thing with Foursquare.

A blast from the past can be fun, and sometimes sad or scary. We are our past so it is good to remember.

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